Hachey Brothers

The Hachey Brothers

Pickin' Strings Country Style with The Hachey Brothers & Mary-Lou

Pickin' Strings Country Style with The Hachey Brothers & Mary-Lou

(RBS 1036)

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Pickin' Strings Country Style with The Hachey Brothers & Mary-Lou

Liste des pistes

  1. Panhandle Rag
  2. Rippling Water Jig
  3. Sugarfoot Rag
  4. Guitar Breakdown Boogie
  5. Apple Rag
  6. Corina
  7. A Gay Ranchero
  8. San Antonio Rose
  9. Spanish Two-Step
  10. South
  11. Country Gentleman
  12. Old Joe Clark

Notes de production

  • Production: Banff