
Randall Spear

Most Important Thing, The

Most Important Thing, The


Liste des albums

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Most Important Thing, The

Liste des pistes

  1. By the Ocean
  2. Song for an Empty Chair
  3. Waiting
  4. Make Everything Allright
  5. Slow Parade
  6. Spending the Day with You
  7. Get It Together
  8. Sweet Innocence
  9. Sweet Marianne
  10. Walking on the Other Side of Love
  11. Scenes from a Window
  12. Every Wave Is Different

Notes de production

  • Réalisation: David Gendron, André Lavergne
  • Production: Big Blue World Music
  • Pochette et livret - Conception et réalisation graphique: Ludovic Boily; photos: André Lavergne, Martine Rouleau