
Andre Papanicolaou

In the Woods, Out of the Woods

In the Woods, Out of the Woods
Spectra Musique

Liste des albums

2015 Strange Nights
2013 In the Woods, Out of the Woods

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In the Woods, Out of the Woods

Liste des pistes

  1. You Can't Lose (If You Don't Play)
  2. How this Will End
  3. Heart of Mine
  4. Downtown
  5. Lucy Please Come Home
  6. Into the Woods
  7. I'm not There
  8. Aux quatre vents – P: Vincent Vallières; M: Andre Papanicolaou, Vincent Vallières
  9. New York City
  10. I'm Your Man
  11. Shake It Off
  12. Out of the Woods (Outro)

Paroles et Musiques: Andre Papanicolaou, excepté lorsque indiqué.

Notes de production

  • Réalisation: Andre Papanicolaou
  • Production: Andre Papanicolaou
  • Pochette et livret - Conception et réalisation graphique: Jason Cantoro; photos: Valérie Jodoin Keaton