Liste des pistes
- Sleep Wayward Thoughts
- Now, O Now I Needs Must Part
- Behold a Wonder Here
- Fine Knacks for Ladies
- Say, Love, If Ever Thou Didst Find
- Away with These Self-Loving Lads
- Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
- Come, Heavy Sleep
- Lachrimae Pavan
- Time Stands Still
- Me, Me & None but Me
- Kemp's Jig - My Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
- Clear or Cloudy Sweet as April Showering
- O Sweet Woods, the Delight of Solitariness
- Mr. Bucton's Galliard
- A Shepherd in a Shade
- His Golden Locks Time Hath to Silver Turned
Paroles et Musiques: John Dowland
Notes de production
- Réalisation: Johanne Goyette
- Production: Atma Classique
- Pochette et livret - Conception et réalisation graphique: Diane Lagacé; textes de présentation: Sylvain Bergeron, Michael Slattery; traduction: Jacques-André Houle, Sean McCutcheon; photo: Philip Friedman